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Standard Lesson 60 min
It’s your special day!
LifestyleWith this fun lesson, students talk about celebrations and their personal experiences. They watch and discuss a video about celebrating someone’s birthday on a budget and discuss birthday celebration ideas. Students also practise phrases related to birthdays.
Learning to say ‘no’
GeneralThis lesson set focuses on ways to say ‘no’ and the importance of protecting personal boundaries. It focuses on introducing and practising appropriate functional language.
Technology and the future
Grammar TechnologyIn the first lesson, students learn phrases to speculate about the future. Depending on your choice of the second lesson, students further practise the phrases while talking about smart lenses, robot chefs or ChatGPT.
Expressing opinions (A2)
GeneralIn the first lesson, students learn language to express and ask for opinions. In the second lesson, they use the language extensively while talking about a topic of your choice.
Speaking Class 45 min / 60 min
Lone wolf or social butterfly? Understanding personalities
GeneralWith this lesson, students talk about personality types, revise adjectives to describe themselves and watch a video about how birth order affects a person. They also brainstorm why people change their personalities and discuss whether they agree with different opinions.
Standard Lesson 60 min
The things we want and the things we need (stative verbs)
General GrammarIn this lesson, students dive into the world of self-expression, watch an ad for a trading website and practise stative and active verbs. They also talk about their preferences and use the target vocabulary to describe people’s personalities.
Standard Lesson 75 min
Financial crimes
General Global IssuesIn this lesson, students practise vocabulary related to financial crimes and watch a video about money laundering. They also discuss real cases of financial fraud, read a film synopsis and talk about their personal opinions.
Speaking Class 45 min / 60 min
Music festivals and other outdoor events
LifestyleWith this speaking lesson, students talk about festivals and other outdoor events. They read short texts, discuss music festival tips and watch a video about it. Students also talk about the use of technology and brainstorm useful gadgets for such events.
Let’s be clear
GeneralIn the first lesson, students learn to explain things with precision and to ask for clarification. In the second lesson, they use the functional language to express their points of view on a chosen topic.
Getting things done
GeneralThis lesson set focuses on ways to be productive letting students learn useful vocabulary and structures and practise them in multiple activities.
Discussing how business works
BusinessThis lesson set lets students work on their Business English and provides useful vocabulary as well as plenty of activities to practise it.
Practising Present Simple and Continuous
General LifestyleIn the first lesson, students revise Present Simple and Present Continuous. In the second lesson, they practise the tenses in speaking using different contexts.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Spring is in the air
GeneralThis fun lesson contains various standalone activities that allow students to explore vocabulary to talk about spring, do a crossword puzzle and practise collocations with ‘green’. They can also discuss reasons for enjoying or disliking spring and practise phrasal verbs.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Company roles
BusinessDive into the world of different job roles with this lesson! Students practise phrases related to the topic, discuss their personal experiences, watch a promo video for a company and imagine starting a business.
Speaking Class 45 min / 60 min
Shopping experience
LifestyleIn this speaking lesson, students talk about their shopping preferences and experiences. They also practise vocabulary related to the topic, assess situations related to shopping and watch a video about a second-hand department store.
Flipped Lesson 60 min
Brave new influencers
Grammar TechnologyWith this Flipped lesson, advanced students get a great chance to revise and practise grammatical aspects, learn collocations connected to social media activity and have engaging conversations about AI influencers.
Standard Lesson 60 min
From a pushover to your own boss
GeneralWith this lesson, students talk about personal boundaries, watch a video with tips and practise vocabulary related to the topic. They also reflect upon responses to challenging situations and discuss different points of view.
Critical Reading Club 30 min
Coffee time!
LifestyleDiscuss weirdly interesting cafés around the world with this lesson! After reading an article, students practise vocabulary related to coffee and cafés, talk about their personal experiences and preferences, and analyse the establishments from the piece they read.