Making predictions about the future

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With this lesson set, your students will:

  • talk about the future and learn the structures for expressing probability,
  • discuss space exploration,
  • work with authentic videos,
  • practise grammar discussing one of the topics of your choice: fashion and 3D printing or augmented reality.

The lessons in this set are organised in a way that lets students first learn useful grammar structures and then put them into practice by discussing one of the topics that is more interesting for them.

This is a lesson set. Use the lessons in the set in the suggested order. Learn more about sets here.

Each lesson in the set is also a standalone lesson.

Lesson 1

Teach students the structures for expressing probability
lesson on making predictions
Standard Lesson 60 min Free+

The future of space exploration (lesson on making predictions)

Grammar Technology

Students learn the structures to make predictions and express probability (e.g. be bound to, be unlikely to). They also talk about space exploration and work out synonyms for the word ‘predict’.

Lesson 2

Choose one of the lessons to practise structures for expressing probability
advanced synonyms for make
Standard Lesson 60 min Premium Plan

Will your future clothes be made like this?

Lifestyle Technology

Students work with advanced synonyms for ‘make’, watch a video and discuss the future of 3D printing technology. Prompt students to use the structures for expressing probability in ex. 7 (slide 18).

lesson about technology
Speaking Class 45 min / 60 min Unlimited Plan

Will these lenses change the world?


In this Speaking lesson, students talk about technology and augmented reality. Encourage them to use the structures for expressing probability in these activities: when they agree with the comments in ex. 4 (slide 7), when they discuss possible applications in ex. 5 (slide 9) or when thinking about the implications of different AR ideas in ex. 6 (slide 11).


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B2 / Upper Intermediate | C1 / Advanced
2 lessons

Let’s get down to business! – new B2/C1 Business English students


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First things first – new B2/C1 students


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Expressing likelihood

Business General Technology

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Expressing opinions using adjectives

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The set presents an opportunity for students to learn useful vocabulary to express opinions and use it while talking about potentially worrying trends.

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Let’s be clear


In the first lesson, students learn to explain things with precision and to ask for clarification. In the second lesson, they use the functional language to express their points of view on a chosen topic.

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Forming logical arguments

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In the first lesson of this set, students learn and practise conjunctions while talking about argumentation. Then, they further practise the conjunctions while using arguments to discuss some moral dilemmas.

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Talking about personal traits


The lessons in this set are connected by a common topic: students discuss how personality traits affect different areas of life.

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Talking about leadership and management


Students organically move from discussing leadership and working without a boss to managing people with the help of technology. Along the way, they also have a chance to learn and practise useful phrases. 

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Communicating better at work


The lessons in the set help students learn how to communicate better at work and find the balance between being assertive but polite and between using simple language and corporate jargon.

Show more lessons


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