B2 Business Lesson Flow

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What is a Lesson Flow?

Lesson Flow is a sequence of lessons, designed to take your student on a particular learning journey. A flow contains around 15 lessons covering the four skills as well as vocabulary, grammar and functional language. The additional follow-up lesson suggestions offer extra opportunities for reading and speaking practice, as well as targeted grammar exercises related to the topic. Lesson Flows are compilations of pre-existing ESL Brains lessons, but with a new purpose of helping teachers navigate learning in a more structured way. They serve as guidelines that you can and should customize by adding or removing lessons based on your students’ needs.

What’s inside the A2/B1 Business Lesson Flow?

This Lesson Flow consisting of 17 main lessons (14 lessons and a set of 3 lessons) is designed for students looking to refine their Business English skills while gaining confidence in professional discussions. It covers key workplace vocabulary, functional language and advanced grammar structures through engaging and practical activities.

Developing language skills

With this B2 Business Lesson Flow, your students will work on:

  • speaking skills while talking about: a four-day workweek and other work trends, SMART goals, work productivity and the problem of procrastination, working remotely, meeting facilitation, synchronous and asynchronous communication, life and career goals, career change, decision-making strategies, work environment, projects, sales techniques and presentations; while doing role-plays, discussing infographics and working on case studies;
  • listening skills with a Harvard Business Review video about work trends, a video with tips on productivity, a comedy sketch about work meetings, explainer videos about types of communication, about circular economy, about delivering presentations and about supply chain, a news story about pursuing different careers, videos about corporate culture and decision making from The Way We Work series, videos in which experienced business people talk about loving their job and about asking for a raise; 
  • reading skills with articles about: time management and procrastination, different types of workers and their motivation, the gig economy; short texts about hierarchical and flat organisational structures and descriptions of corporate cultures;
  • writingskills while rewriting sentences, making notes and completing dialogues

Improving grammar, vocabulary and functional language

The Flow also makes your students learn and practise:

  • vocabulary: collocations related to work, dependent prepositions, communication idioms, phrases connected with making decisions, phrases to talk about leadership, vocabulary related to supply and demand, sales and other useful collocations; 
  • grammar: verb patterns, negative prefixes, structures with ‘It’, cleft sentences, conditionals; 
  • functional language: useful phrases for business meetings, negotiation phrases, complaining and responding to complaints, signposting language for presentations. 

Want to learn more?

If you’re not sure how to use our Lesson Flows or need more guidance, you can read more about them here or message us via chat or the contact form. Let us help you save some prep time and make your teaching life easier!


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