Learning about the ESL Brains community (2023 Annual Survey results) - ESL Brains

Learning about the ESL Brains community (2023 Annual Survey results)

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Almost 600 of ESL Brains users participated in our annual survey. Thank you for your input 🙏🙏🙏 You left hundreds of comments, insights, opinions and ideas. We read all of them and will be shaping ESL Brains the way that works best for you. If, for any reason, you are interested in the survey results, keep reading and get a glimpse of what we’ve learned thanks to the survey.

First of all, we are extremely proud to announce that you rated your experience with ESL Brains at 4.68/5. Thank you! We couldn’t be happier! We also see that there is still some room for improvement, which makes us excited and eager to come up with even more innovative and stimulating ideas for you to use with your students. 

How ESL Brains community teach

When it comes to the teaching setting, around 60% of ESL Brains users teach only or mostly one-on-one classes. And, 40% of you teach only online and the vast majority (75%) continue having at least some online lessons in this post-pandemic world. We hope that the e-lesson plans are useful and make your online teaching job a bit easier!

What teachers struggled with in 2022

We’ve asked you about problems you had as teachers in 2022 and it turned out that the two biggest problems for you  were lack of teaching resources and the amount of lesson preparation work. You mentioned the struggle to find exciting and fresh lesson ideas and the need to adapt the materials you use in the class to your students’ needs. Many of you expressed how challenging lesson prep is as it requires lots of creativity and can be very time-consuming. We hope you find ESL Brains helpful in this area. 

Some of you also mentioned lack of free time as the biggest problem you had to deal with last year. Many of you had unmotivated students, which put even more pressure on you to prepare engaging lessons. 2022 was also a challenge due to the stress related to war and power outages, economic crises, the difficulty of finding new students and teaching exclusively online. 

How do you want ESL Brains to develop?

When asked about your expectations towards ESL Brains materials, most of you are interested in additional homework and/or revision tasks. We have great news: 📢  we’ve already started adding homework/revision activities to standard and flipped lesson plans! See examples in the lessons: A better way to brainstorm and Towards a car-free future. We’re just starting and plan to improve these extra tasks also through your feedback.

Most of you also expressed interest in worksheets with standalone fillers, games and role plays, so we will definitely publish more of those (see the ones you can use now here).

We will keep striving to make ESL Brains the best source of English teaching materials out there. Thanks for all your ideas and support 🧡 💚💙


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