In this lesson students engage in a discussion on the control the state should have over children’s upbringing and discover some vocabulary related to the topic.
This is a Critical Reading Club worksheet. With this format, students need to read an online article at home and do the exercises in the classroom. Learn more about how to use such worksheets and their benefits in our post.
The lesson starts with a list of games (e.g. board games, single player video games, card games) which students have to rank according to how addictive they are. Students engage in a discussion and justify their opinions. Then, they look at eleven words and decide which of them can be both nouns and verbs (e.g. question, trouble, limit). They move on to a short summary of an article they read at home and try to complete the gaps in the text with the correct forms of the words from the previous task. The gap-fill exercise is followed by another discussion on China’s approach to the problem of online gaming. Students exchange their views not only on the benefits of online gaming for children, but also the extent to which the state should control children’s upbringing. In the last activity students focus on six aspects of children’s lives (e.g. health, education, family life) and discuss whether they should or shouldn’t be controlled by the state and to what extent.
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