In this lesson, students learn and practise Business English phrases and discuss successful companies. They also watch a video about business strategies and choose one for their start-up.
C1 / Advanced60 minStandard LessonPremium Plan
The lesson starts with a short discussion of companies (Samsung, Airbnb, Zoom, Uber) and reasons for their success. After that, students move on to working with vocabulary. At first, they need to complete the collocations with the words ‘market’, ‘competition’, and ‘boundaries’ (e.g. beyond boundaries, fierce competition, capture market). To practise the words, students take turns to create questions about the companies they discussed before and ask each other. Then, they need to match the halves to create more Business English phrases (e.g. make a trade-off between, strive to outperform rivals, reap benefits) in preparation for watching the video. To reinforce the vocabulary learning process, students do one more activity and try to rewrite sentences using new words and phrases.
In this part of the lesson, students first discuss some of the Business English phrases they learned earlier in the lesson in relation to business strategies. Then, they proceed to watch the video about red and blue ocean strategies. Students are given a checklist, and after they watch the video for the first time, they have to say which strategy the checklist is about. Next, they watch the video again, make notes and create a similar checklist about the other strategy. After students discuss the strategies and the video, they look at the list of well-known companies and try to figure out what their market strategies are. As a wrap-up activity, they have to work in groups and brainstorm their business strategy for the type of business they choose. Students are guided by a scheme and encouraged to use the Business English phrases from the lesson.
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I am looking at many of your lessons and lesson plans, I’m actually getting excited about trying to teach these to my students. OfCourse, the weakest link will be me, but these lessons are really inspiring, I’m hoping they will challenge my students enough, this will be revealed soon, but I think they should be very interesting for them, some written work, listening and plenty of room for discussion :D. Thank you very much, I am soooo happy I came across this site!
We’re happy you like our lesson plans and we hope your students find them useful and engaging too 🙂
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This is one of my favourite lessons! It’s great for my business and tech students – it has some very useful and practical language; vocab and collocations, listening and interesting discussion points.
I’m so happy to hear it 🙂
It is a thorough lesson , and I’m teaching a 1:1 class. What do you mean by choosing between red and blue? Does it have reference on the red and blue pill?
The lesson title refers to two business strategies mentioned in the video, i.e. red ocean and blue ocean strategies.