A2 / Pre‐Intermediate | B1 / Intermediate
Standard Lesson 60 min

It’s a kind of magic!


Talk about magic with this lesson! Students watch a video with a trick, explore common verbs and talk about magic tricks from different perspectives. 

A1 / Elementary
Standard Lesson 60 min

Were your school days fun?

General Grammar

Practise the past forms of to be with this lesson for beginners! Students discuss subjects people learn at school and watch a video where people mention their favourite subjects. They also ask and answer questions about their past.

advanced vocabulary for discussing efficiency
C2 / Proficiency
Standard Lesson 60 min

The efficiency dilemma

Business Global Issues

Explore efficiency from different perspectives! Students learn advanced vocabulary for discussing efficiency, watch a video about the Jevons Paradox and share their opinions. They also brainstorm ways to address efficiency-related concepts.

vocabulary to describe behaviour
C1 / Advanced | C2 / Proficiency
Standard Lesson 60 min

The quirky side of you


With this lesson, students talk about quirky behaviours! They watch a video of celebrities sharing their unusual habits, practise vocabulary to describe behaviour and share their opinions and experiences. Students also discuss famous characters’ quirkiness.

prepositions of place for beginners
A1 / Elementary
Standard Lesson 60 min

It’s on the wall behind the sofa

General Grammar

Students talk about furniture and learn prepositions of place for beginners! They learn furniture items and revise rooms, listen to recordings, and describe pictures. They also talk about items in their own homes.

ESL lesson on texting abbreviations
B1 / Intermediate
Standard Lesson 60 min

Can’t talk atm


Students talk about texting with this lesson! They learn and practise common texting abbreviations, and watch a funny video about passive-aggressive texting. They share texting opinions, habits, and preferences, and practise writing text messages to each other.

A1 lesson on rooms in a house
A1 / Elementary
Standard Lesson 60 min

My favourite room


Talk about rooms in a house with this lesson! Students learn the names of rooms, practise adjectives to describe them and share personal preferences. They also watch a video of a flat tour and practise the structures with ‘would like’.

advanced lesson on event management
C2 / Proficiency
Standard Lesson 60 min

Event management

Business General

Talk about event management and share experiences with this lesson! Students practise event management phrases, watch a video about making events memorable and discuss how they would plan and manage a successful event.

ESL lesson on future forms
A2 / Pre‐Intermediate | B1 / Intermediate
Standard Lesson 60 min

Will we live in a smart city?

Grammar Technology

Discuss how technology can solve urban issues! In this lesson, students review future forms, watch a video about smart city services, and imagine they participate in a survey. They also role-play discussions about plans using future forms.

lesson on like/love/hate + ing
A1 / Elementary
Standard Lesson 60 min

We love travelling!

General Grammar

Talk about holiday likes and dislikes with this lesson! Students work on vocabulary about holiday activities, practise like/love/hate + ing and explore spelling rules to create gerunds. They also watch a video about a family who travels in a campervan!

emotion adjectives
B1 / Intermediate | B2 / Upper Intermediate
Standard Lesson 60 min

Feel your feelings


Talk about emotions with this lesson! Students learn and practise emotion adjectives, watch a film trailer and discuss tweets about the film Inside Out 2. They also discuss emotions triggered by different experiences.

advanced vocabulary to talk about financial situations
C2 / Proficiency
Standard Lesson 60 min

To tip or not to tip


Talk about different tipping practises with this lesson! Students explore advanced vocabulary to talk about financial situations, watch a video on why Americans are tipping less and share their personal experiences!

phrases for ordering at a café
A1 / Elementary
Standard Lesson 60 min

Can I get a cup of tea? (at a café)


Explore café situations! Students practise phrases for ordering and serving food, watch and listen to customer-server interactions, and role-play a conversation at a café. They also ask and answer questions about the menu.

esl lesson on giving compliments
A2 / Pre‐Intermediate
Standard Lesson 60 min

Nice glasses! (giving and receiving compliments)


Students give and receive compliments in this lesson! They watch a funny video in which a man compliments strangers, learn phrases to give and receive compliments, and discuss the concept. They also role-play compliment situations and look at compliment rules!

practise conditional structures
C1 / Advanced
Standard Lesson 60 min

What if it had never been invented?

Grammar Technology

Talk about inventions and their influence on people’s lives! With this lesson, students practise conditional structures, watch two videos on relevant inventions and speculate about alternative outcomes to different creations.

lesson on days and dates
A1 / Elementary
Standard Lesson 60 min

When is your birthday?


Talk about important dates with this lesson! Students learn and practice weekdays, months, and dates. They discuss birthdays, watch a video about significant dates, and share important dates of their own. They also work in pairs asking and answering questions.

useful language for meetings
A2 / Pre‐Intermediate | B1 / Intermediate
Standard Lesson 60 min

Just to confirm… (functional language for meetings)


Talk about meeting situations with this lesson! Students practise phrases for meetings, watch a funny video and share their own experiences. They also role-play a situation where they are employees at a company discussing who does which task.

ESL lesson on acting
C2 / Proficiency
Standard Lesson 60 min

All about acting

General Grammar

Explore different perspectives on acting with this lesson! Students practise phrases related to acting, watch videos with famous actors and share their opinions. They also plan and present their vision for a film and practise cleft sentences for emphasis.

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