Present Simple activities

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Grammar - Present Simple

Present Simple activities




The main objectives of this worksheet with Present Simple activities are to:

  • practise the Present Simple in affirmative, negative and question forms;
  • review the use of the verb ‘to be’ in different situations;
  • listen to recordings of people discussing themselves and their activities.

In this worksheet, students practise Yes/No questions, review the correct forms of the verb ‘to be’ and practise telling the time. They work in pairs, describe pictures and use positive and negative statements in the Present Simple. Students also listen to recordings of people talking about themselves and what they do.

A1 / Elementary60 minStandard LessonUnlimited Plan


In this activity, students choose a picture. Their partner tries to guess it by asking Yes/No questions. Then, they switch roles.


Students look at pictures and complete texts with the correct forms of the verb ‘to be’. Then, they describe the photos (e.g. He’s Joshua. He’s with his family. They are in the park.).


This Present Simple activities worksheet includes a listening activity. Students listen to a recording and match activities (e.g. get up, finish work, go shopping) with the times the speaker does them. Then, they say what the speaker does every day and when she does it.


In this activity, students complete sentences with the correct forms of verbs (e.g. go, not get up, have). Then, they choose sentences that are true for them and add some details.


Students get a card with two pictures: one with phrases and one with text. They write sentences about the people in the picture using some phrases. Their partner checks their sentences using the text they have. Then, students switch roles.


In this activity, students listen to a recording and choose true things for the speaker. Then, they say what they know about him (e.g. Tom is 31. He lives in Canada. He lives with his friend.).


In this part of this worksheet with Present Simple activities, students choose the correct words to complete questions (e.g. Do/Are you tired today?). Then, they match the questions with their answers.


Students imagine they want a new roommate. Student A gets a card with questions about one of the roommates (e.g. read books?) and Student B gets answers (e.g. read books X). In pairs, students ask each other questions about the people on their cards. They then choose the one they would like to live with.


Students receive cards with question prompts (e.g. where / you / live). They use the prompts to create questions (e.g. Where do you live?). In pairs, students ask and answer questions.



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  1. Dedene Nelson-Court

    Thank you for this comprehensive review of the present simple! Just what the teacher ordered! ha ha.

  2. teacherbrendacunha

    Amazing lesson. I just can’t access the student’s card (slide no. 22)

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