The main objectives of this lesson are to:
- read an article about smart ways to declutter a home;
- learn and practise vocabulary related to decluttering;
- discuss decluttering from various perspectives.
With this lesson, students talk about their homes, decluttering and consumption habits. They explore adjectives to describe homes (e.g. minimalist, inefficient, cluttered), work with vocabulary to discuss decluttering and consumption (e.g. built to last, excessive, let go of) and talk about tips on mindful consumption. Students also share their experiences.
This is a Critical Reading Club worksheet. With this format, students need to read an online article at home and do the exercises in the classroom. Learn more about how to use such worksheets and their benefits in our post.
This lesson starts with a warm-up. Students complete statements about home and interior design with their ideas. Then, they compare their ideas with the answers provided in the lesson and say if they agree. Afterwards, students choose an adjective that best describes their home (e.g. overwhelming, sustainable, functional) and explain their answers. Next, they complete sentences about decluttering and mindful consumption with pairs of words (e.g. sway + develop). They change the form of some words. Following that, students discuss questions about decluttering habits and their impact. They then replace phrases in statements with expressions about decluttering and consumption. Finally, students choose three statements from the previous task that are true for them and give more details.
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