B1 / Intermediate
Critical Reading Club 30 min

Is a stress-free life possible?

General Lifestyle

In this Critical Reading Club lesson, students discuss different tips for dealing with stress. They also learn some useful vocabulary to talk about the topic.

C1 / Advanced | C2 / Proficiency
Critical Reading Club 30 min

Retrofitting – well worth the effort

Global Issues

In this lesson, students talk about the concept of retrofitting and how it helps to achieve net-zero emissions. They also learn and practise some vocabulary from the article. 

expressing cause and effect
B1 / Intermediate | B2 / Upper Intermediate
Standard Lesson 60 min

Today’s teens are going through a lot (cause and effect)

Grammar Lifestyle

In this lesson, students learn and practise expressing cause and effect, discover new collocations and discuss problems faced by modern teenagers.

adjectives to describe art
B1 / Intermediate | B2 / Upper Intermediate
Standard Lesson 60 min

Visiting the art capital


This lesson plan is all about New York. Students will discuss some quotes about New York, watch a video about art in this city and learn adjectives to describe art.

transport vocabulary
A2 / Pre‐Intermediate
Standard Lesson 60 min

Bike, bus or “bike bus”?


With this lesson, students explore and expand transport vocabulary, and dive into a cool discussion about the innovative “bike bus” idea through a fun video.

synonyms for laugh
C1 / Advanced
Standard Lesson 60 min

What makes you laugh? (synonyms for laugh)


In this lesson students study advanced synonyms for laugh, watch a video about laughter and discuss different aspects of laughter. 

C2 / Proficiency
Critical Reading Club 30 min

Will we wear fish skin?

Global Issues Lifestyle

In this lesson, students talk about the fashion industry and use advanced vocabulary to praise or criticise someone or something. 

B1 / Intermediate
Critical Reading Club 30 min

Do you enjoy working remotely?

Business Lifestyle

In this Critical Reading Club lesson, students talk about working remotely and learn some vocabulary connected to the subject.

Talk about business trips
B1 / Intermediate
Standard Lesson 60 min

Business trips: fun or boring?


This lesson allows students to talk about business trips, learn some useful vocabulary, and have a lot of discussion and role-play. 

intermediate phrasal verbs
B1 / Intermediate
Standard Lesson 60 min

Office tour for a newbie


In this lesson about office tours, students watch a video about a LinkedIn office, learn some phrases including intermediate phrasal verbs and give two office tours. 

English worksheet
B1 / Intermediate
Critical Reading Club 30 min

Getting by without a car


In this lesson students discuss means of transport, talk about car and bike traffic in the place where they live, and learn some vocabulary to talk about transport.

English lesson plan for HR
B2 / Upper Intermediate
Critical Reading Club 30 min

Can stay interviews keep employees from leaving?


In this lesson, students discuss the idea of stay interviews in depth and learn phrases which are useful to talk about employer-employee relationship. 

C1 / Advanced
Critical Reading Club 30 min

Why do people cheat in online games?


In this lesson, students practise some language related to breaking and following rules, and discuss the reasons behind cheating in online games.

wish structures
C1 / Advanced
Flipped Lesson 60 min

Is Kopi Luwak on your bucket list? (wish structures)

Grammar Lifestyle

In this lesson plan students will learn and practise ‘wish’ structures as well as watch a video about the most expensive coffee in the world, Kopi Luwak.

lesson about family and relationships
A2 / Pre‐Intermediate
Standard Lesson 60 min

We get on really well!


In this lesson about family and relationships, students talk about family members, friends, and other people close to them. They also watch a video and practise some conjunctions used to give reasons. 

expressing likes and dislikes
B1 / Intermediate
Standard Lesson 45 min

Building a museum of museums on the web


The lesson plan is about art and museums. Students have a lot of opportunities to express their likes and dislikes in these areas.

ESL lesson on energy production
B2 / Upper Intermediate | C1 / Advanced
Standard Lesson 60 min

I get electricity from…

Global Issues Technology

Step into the world of energy production with this lesson! Students practise useful vocabulary and watch a video on electricity trading. They also talk about local and global power generation, examine statistics and discuss sustainable energy.

synonyms of the word important
B2 / Upper Intermediate
Standard Lesson 45 min

Do we need each other? (synonyms of the word important)

Global Issues Technology

In this lesson students engage in a discussion about human relationships. They discover synonyms of the word important, watch a video and reflect on the future of face-to-face interaction. 

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