video lesson plan
B2 / Upper Intermediate
Standard Lesson 45 min

How false news can spread

Global Issues

This lesson plan focuses on fake news and circular reporting. Students will also have to decide whether some news stories are fake or true.

expressions with make
B2 / Upper Intermediate
Flipped Lesson 60 min

Life-changing decisions


In this lesson students learn some expressions with ‘mind’, watch a video and discuss life-changing decisions. 

lesson about cultural differences
A2 / Pre‐Intermediate | B1 / Intermediate
Speaking Class 45 min / 60 min

What would you say?


In this Speaking Class lesson about cultural differences your students discuss how social interactions differ from culture to culture. They also watch a video and consider things that are appropriate and inappropriate to say. Additionally, there is a short, optional vocabulary task. 

B2 / Upper Intermediate
Critical Reading Club 30 min

Non-native speakers or lifelong learners?


In this lesson students discuss the accuracy of different terms referring to non-native English speakers, do a word-formation activity and talk about the article they read at home. 

defining relative clauses
A2 / Pre‐Intermediate
Standard Lesson 60 min

The things that we do when nobody is looking – defining relative clauses

General Grammar

With this lesson plan students learn and practise using defining relative clauses. They also watch a short animated video and talk about the things that people do when they are alone. 

ESL culture lesson
A2 / Pre‐Intermediate
Standard Lesson 60 min

When in Rome…

Grammar Lifestyle

In this culture lesson students talk about social norms in different parts of the world. They also watch four short videos about polite behaviour in different cultures and write a blog post with advice for foreigners visiting their country. 

talking about culture shock
B1 / Intermediate | B2 / Upper Intermediate
Speaking Class 45 min / 60 min

Culture shock


With this speaking lesson, students talk about culture shock, share their perspectives and discuss what the experience of a foreign exchange student might be. They also watch a short video and practise vocabulary related to the topic.

lesson about health
A2 / Pre‐Intermediate | B1 / Intermediate
Standard Lesson 60 min

Health myths


In this lesson about health, students read a text about health myths, learn and practise some useful vocabulary and discuss health.

modal verbs of possibility
A2 / Pre‐Intermediate | B1 / Intermediate
Standard Lesson 60 min

Welcome on board!


In this lesson about onboarding, students discuss their experience, watch the video, and practise modal verbs of possibility (must, might, can’t). They also read a dialogue and role play a similar one.  

Lesson about memes
B1 / Intermediate | B2 / Upper Intermediate
Standard Lesson 60 min

Would you like to be a meme?


In this lesson about memes students look at some famous examples of memes and discuss them. They also learn the story behind one of them by watching a video. Students learn and practise vocabulary and try to create their own memes. 

English worksheet
B1 / Intermediate
Critical Reading Club 30 min

Getting by without a car


In this lesson students discuss means of transport, talk about car and bike traffic in the place where they live, and learn some vocabulary to talk about transport.

conversation lesson plan
A2 / Pre‐Intermediate
Standard Lesson 60 min

Become a confident English speaker


With this conversation lesson plan students get plenty of opportunities to talk about their experience with English outside the classroom. They also watch a video, read three short texts and learn some useful vocabulary.

make + object + adjective (exercises)
A2 / Pre‐Intermediate
Flipped Lesson 60 min

My pet makes me happy

Grammar Lifestyle

Engage students in fascinating discussions as they explore how pets influence our lives, master the structure ‘make + object + adjective’ and dive into a news story video on pets in the workplace in this flipped classroom lesson!

business communication idioms
B2 / Upper Intermediate
Standard Lesson 30 min

Business communication idioms


Thanks to this speaking worksheet, students will learn business communication idioms such as break the ice or take a back seat.

negotiation skills
B2 / Upper Intermediate
Standard Lesson 30 min

The 6 most important negotiation skills


In this reading and vocabulary worksheet, students will read some original blog article where an expert talks about negotiation skills and tips.

ESL lesson plan
B2 / Upper Intermediate
Standard Lesson 60 min

How to make hard choices


This ESL lesson plan focuses on making difficult decisions and helps students to understand how to approach the decision-making process.

idioms lesson plan
B2 / Upper Intermediate
Standard Lesson 60 min

The psychology of your future self


Do you think you will change a lot in the future? Or maybe not at all? This lesson plan based on a short TED Talk will give your students many occasions to talk about their attitude towards change and their future selves.

B2 / Upper Intermediate
Critical Reading Club 30 min

Slacktivism – to engage or not to engage?

General Global Issues

In this lesson students discuss the term slacktivism and different forms of activism. They also do a word formation exercise and talk about the article they read at home. 

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