advanced vocabulary for discussing philosophy
C2 / Proficiency
Standard Lesson 60 min

Beauty in the broken (life philosophies)


Explore philosophy with this lesson! Students discuss the idea of imperfection, watch a video about Kintsugi and practise advanced vocabulary. They also talk about their experiences and other philosophies around the world.

language learning lesson plan
B2 / Upper Intermediate
Flipped Lesson 45 min

How to learn a language like a hyper-polyglot


Inspire your students by introducing them to a hyperpolyglot! Use our flipped classroom worksheet to teach new vocabulary and practise speaking skills.

ESL lesson about communication
C1 / Advanced | C2 / Proficiency
Standard Lesson 60 min

Conversations we dread

Business General

In this ESL lesson about communication students talk about difficult conversations and share their experiences. They learn vocabulary, watch a video, have a discussion, role play and practise useful expressions. 

phrases to express frequency
A2 / Pre‐Intermediate
Standard Lesson 60 min

Meeting a celebrity

General Grammar

With this lesson, students talk about celebrities and work with grammar! They watch a funny ad, discuss situations related to fame and practise words and phrases to express frequency. Students also do a role play task in which they throw a celebrity party.

B2 / Upper Intermediate
Standard Lesson 45 min

Complaining and responding to complaints

Business General

Teach your students some informal and formal expressions for complaining and practise them in a role-play activity with a twist.

lesson about poetry
C1 / Advanced | C2 / Proficiency
Standard Lesson 60 min

Why poetry still matters


In this lesson about poetry, students have a chance to talk about different aspects of this form of literature. Students discuss many questions, watch a video, and read and analyse some poems. 

lesson about instant messaging
B1 / Intermediate | B2 / Upper Intermediate
Standard Lesson 90 min

Catching up made easy


In this lesson about instant messaging, students watch a video, discuss the rules for instant messaging and write short messages to each other. 

suffixes ‘-ful’ and ‘-less’
B1 / Intermediate | B2 / Upper Intermediate
Standard Lesson 60 min

Ready to go paperless?

Business Grammar

In this lesson, students learn some vocabulary related to document management, talk about going paperless, watch a video, and work on word building learning suffixes ‘-ful’ and ‘-less’.

lesson about cultural differences
A2 / Pre‐Intermediate | B1 / Intermediate
Speaking Class 45 min / 60 min

What would you say?


In this Speaking Class lesson about cultural differences your students discuss how social interactions differ from culture to culture. They also watch a video and consider things that are appropriate and inappropriate to say. Additionally, there is a short, optional vocabulary task. 

talk about life balance
B2 / Upper Intermediate
Standard Lesson 60 min

The four burners theory


With this lesson, students will definitely enjoy talking about life balance and learning useful vocabulary on the topic. Show them the vlog about the four burners theory and let them reflect on their experiences.

Lesson about memes
B1 / Intermediate | B2 / Upper Intermediate
Standard Lesson 60 min

Would you like to be a meme?


In this lesson about memes students look at some famous examples of memes and discuss them. They also learn the story behind one of them by watching a video. Students learn and practise vocabulary and try to create their own memes. 

ESL culture lesson
A2 / Pre‐Intermediate
Standard Lesson 60 min

When in Rome…

Grammar Lifestyle

In this culture lesson students talk about social norms in different parts of the world. They also watch four short videos about polite behaviour in different cultures and write a blog post with advice for foreigners visiting their country. 

C1 / Advanced
Standard Lesson 60 min

Closing the gender pay gap

Business Global Issues

With this lesson plan, students talk about gender stereotypes, watch a video and discuss the factors driving the gender pay gap. They also reflect on solutions to this problem and discover some expressions with the word root.

lesson plan about architecture
C1 / Advanced
Flipped Lesson 45 min

Copycat architecture


This lesson plan about architecture deals with a phenomenon called copycat architecture. Students will learn some adjectives for describing places as well as watch an interesting video.

esl material
B2 / Upper Intermediate
Standard Lesson 60 min

How to escape a high cost of housing


This lesson is based on a short video connected with less conventional alternatives to buying a house which are cheaper, but still amazing.

lesson plan on extinction
B2 / Upper Intermediate | C1 / Advanced
Flipped Lesson 75 min

Is it too late to save wildlife?

Global Issues

In this lesson plan on extinction, students learn a lot of related vocabulary, watch a video featuring David Attenborough and work on a group project.

language for speculation
B1 / Intermediate
Standard Lesson 60 min

Time for bed, Fred! – Robots at home


Thanks to this lesson plan, students will have plenty of opportunities to discuss robots and innovation as well as use language for speculation to talk about homes of the future.

giving advice
B1 / Intermediate | B2 / Upper Intermediate
Standard Lesson 45 min

Giving advice and making suggestions

General Grammar

This worksheet focuses on giving advice and making suggestions. It is a standalone worksheet which can be used with many different lesson plans from our website.

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