lesson about mentorship
B1 / Intermediate
Standard Lesson 60 min

Does everyone need a mentor?


In this lesson about mentorship students discuss mentor and mentee’s relationships, define what successful mentorship is and watch a video about it. Students also do a role play discussing work problems and exchanging advice. 

B2 / Upper Intermediate
Critical Reading Club 30 min

How tiny tasks become monsters

Business Lifestyle

In this lesson students learn and put into practice dependent prepositions (in phrasal verbs and other expressions) while discussing reasons and ways of dealing with the common problem of procrastination.

speaking practice
A2 / Pre‐Intermediate | B1 / Intermediate
Standard Lesson 60 min

The changing work model


In this lesson, students watch a video about a co-working space, practise using adjectives and get a lot of speaking practice.

B2 / Upper Intermediate | C1 / Advanced
Standard Lesson 60 min

Would you ever renovate a house?


In this ESL lesson about houses and renovation, students learn some useful vocabulary related to the topic, watch a video and talk about house renovations. 

travelling lesson plan
B2 / Upper Intermediate
Flipped Lesson 45 min

Invest in travelling instead of stuff

Global Issues

This travelling lesson plan deals with travelling as collecting experiences. Students will practise building words and learn vocab related to travelling.

C1 / Advanced
2 lessons

Forming logical arguments

Business General Technology

In the first lesson of this set, students learn and practise conjunctions while talking about argumentation. Then, they further practise the conjunctions while using arguments to discuss some moral dilemmas.

B2 / Upper Intermediate | C1 / Advanced
2 lessons

Expressing likelihood

Business General Technology

In the first lesson, students learn language to express likelihood. In the second lesson, they practise the target language while talking about a topic of interest.

expressing numbers in English
B1 / Intermediate
Flipped Lesson 45 min

The rising cost of living


With this lesson plan on expressing numbers in English, students revise numbers and learn some approximations, talk about the rising cost of living and learn some useful vocabulary.

Present Perfect activities
A2 / Pre‐Intermediate | B1 / Intermediate
Standard Lesson 60 min

Present Perfect activities


With this lesson, students practise Present Perfect in various ways. They apply the tense to tell the news, discuss experiences and talk about life stories. Students also practise applying Present Perfect and Past Simple depending on the context.

vague language in English
B1 / Intermediate
Standard Lesson 60 min

It’s kind of my favourite stuff (vague language)


In this lesson, students watch a video and learn how to use some vague language in English while talking about their favourite things in life.

B2 / Upper Intermediate
Critical Reading Club 30 min

Is it easy to be kind?


In this lesson students talk about how acts of kindness are perceived nowadays, practise some useful phrases used in the article they read at home, and discuss how kind they would be in different situations. 

B2 / Upper Intermediate
Critical Reading Club 30 min

Understanding professional motivations


In this lesson students talk about different types of workers described in the article, discuss some questions about motivations, and learn vocabulary to explain what motivates them at work.

lesson plan about celebrities
B2 / Upper Intermediate
Standard Lesson 60 min

How celebrities want to make a difference

Global Issues

Our lesson plan about celebrities looks into what they can do to make a difference and why their civil disobedience might be important.

A2 / Pre‐Intermediate
2 lessons

Agreeing and disagreeing with others

Business General Lifestyle Technology

This lesson set is designed not only to teach students how to agree and disagree with each other but also to have more practice while discussing a topic of your choice.

video lesson plan
B2 / Upper Intermediate
Standard Lesson 45 min

How false news can spread

Global Issues

This lesson plan focuses on fake news and circular reporting. Students will also have to decide whether some news stories are fake or true.

ESL worksheet about music
A2 / Pre‐Intermediate | B1 / Intermediate
Speaking Class 45 min / 60 min

The sound of music


In this ESL worksheet about music, students talk about music in their lives. They also listen to short pieces of music and discuss them.

multiple-choice cloze task
C1 / Advanced | C2 / Proficiency
Standard Lesson 75 min

Has cancel culture gone too far?

Global Issues

In this lesson students learn vocabulary useful to talk about cancel culture, do a CAE multiple-choice cloze task, watch a video, and get the opportunity to discuss cancel culture and freedom of speech in depth. 

speaking lesson plan
B1 / Intermediate | B2 / Upper Intermediate
Standard Lesson 60 min

Rethinking your mindset

Business Lifestyle

With this speaking lesson plan, students watch a video about growth and fixed mindsets and get plenty of opportunities to discuss them. They also learn some collocations referring to challenges and development, as well as practise word formation.

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